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Topical Hydrogen Water Tablets

Topical Hydrogen Water Tablets

Hydrogen water is amazing stuff. The benefits from drinking it are widely known. More recent studies have also shown huge benefits from using it externally. Topical hydrogen water can be used as a bath soak, a face wash and a skin swab.

They are easy to use, just drop them in water and let them dissolve to create water rich in nanobubbles of hydrogen.

The topical hydrogen water reinvigorates your complexion and plumps up your skin. It helps muscles relax and reduces wrinkle lines. The hydrogen water can also help with skin conditions such as soft tissue injury and chronic psoriasis.

Why Topical Hydrogen Water?

Drink HRW Hydrogen Beauty tabs deliver 100s of times higher of a concentration of molecular hydrogen than found in miracle water sites. What’s even more important is the hydrogen tablets transform the water in any container. Simultaneously the tablets deliver free magnesium ions, which our bodies easily absorb through the skin, adding additional benefits.

Even more, these tablets are designed to deliver the acidic pH our skin flora needs to flourish. [i] Studies are already emerging about bathing in hydrogen water showing remarkable abilities to reduce wrinkles [ii] , aid in those with chronic psoriasis [iii] and topical application of hydrogen mediums helping recover from soft tissue injuries [iv] .

How is Topical Hydrogen Water Different?

Drink HRW Topical Hydrogen Water Tablets produce more hydrogen and retain higher amounts of hydrogen in the water. No other type of product is as convenient to use. No other product has been so rigorously tested or studied.

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